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Information About Hypnosis

Hypnosis Madison WI

What Is Hypnosis, Why Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis?

Hypnosis Madison WI -Hypnosis is a natural state that we all enter at various times and it is the only kind of super learning. In hypnosis one’s attention is focused in one area, closing out other stimulation. It is similar to daydreaming or being so completely engrossed in a book or TV program that you may ignore someone speaking in the same room. Here is another example. Just before falling asleep every night, we pass through a phase that is very similar to hypnosis, called the alpha state.

We are able to give ourselves suggestions while we are in the alpha state. For example, you may have once wanted to get up at a different time than usual. You may have reminded yourself just before falling asleep to wake up early and then found you had awakened at that early time. In that situation, you gave yourself the post hypnotic suggestion to wake up early and this function is similar to how hypnosis works. Hypnosis is a state of consciousness. It can be measured using an EEG, an instrument that reads brain wave activity.

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

In general, therapeutic hypnosis is a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Many people expect to feel something special or different when in hypnosis, though it is a normal state. It is a state in which the mind is highly absorbed or concentrated. We have all been in this state many times before. At times it seems so normal to a person that he/she denies being in hypnosis. One can hear sounds around themselves and sometimes one’s mind wanders. Each person’s experience is different and will vary from time to time. Most people feel very relaxed and comfortable and so, have little desire to move or open their eyes, although this is possible whenever they would like to.

Your Brain Waves

Hypnosis is a normal brain wave state. Below are states of consciousness measured in hertz:

  • Beta: Waking conscious state, alert, 14-30 Hz
  • Alpha: Hypnosis, daydreaming, creative, relaxed, closed-eyed ,8-13 Hz
  • Theta: Dreaming, hypnosis, meditative, subconscious, athletic “in the zone”, 4-7 Hz
  • Delta: Unconscious, asleep, deep sleep, .5-6 Hz

Hypnosis is a state of relaxed, concentrated attention. The alpha waves that are measurable during hypnosis are also found during meditation. Bringing your mind to this state can be learned and practiced. There are many health benefits to be gained from this state, including the reduction of inflammation.

When in hypnosis, people are aware of their surroundings in a detached manner. Conscious, critical thinking is temporarily suspended and yet, available at a moment’s notice, if needed. Because of this relative inner quiet, people are more receptive to positive suggestions. The mind is concentrated on the suggestions and pays little attention to other stimuli.

Will I Lose Control While In Hypnosis?

No person can be hypnotized without consent. Everyone achieves their own hypnotic state by cooperating with the suggestions to relax and concentrate. In reality, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A person enters into the state willingly and with full awareness. It is an enjoyable experience. The hypnotherapist is like an instructor or coach, guiding you. People can decide what they will or won’t do when in hypnosis. However, when in hypnosis a person is more willing to accept suggestions, particularly if they are relevant, positive and they are designed to help meet his/her goal.

Can The Hypnotherapist Control My Mind?

In hypnosis, people can decide if they want to accept a suggestion and will not accept any idea or suggestion that is against their religion, values, or ethical principles. No one can control another person’s mind when in hypnosis.

Is It Safe?

Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that people enter often and it is completely safe, therapeutic tool. Occasionally someone may experience a headache, but more often people experience pain relief. Some people feel fatigued after, but this is often because when relaxed, they realize how tired they are. Occasionally, people experience traumatic memories when in hypnosis. Such a phenomenon led to the discovery of hypnosis as a powerful therapeutic tool. In qualified hands, this experience can lead to profound healing.

As with any other tool, it should be used only by a trained, qualified mental health professional or medical doctor. In most states, including Wisconsin, there are no guidelines or licensing requirements in order to conduct hypnosis. It is easy for the layperson to take hypnosis courses and advertise treatment. Anyone seeking help through hypnosis should inquire about the person’s credentials. Ensure that he or she has a master’s or doctorate degree and is a licensed clinical social worker, counselor, doctor, dentist or psychologist, and that he or she has taken additional training in clinical, professional hypnosis or hypnotherapy.

Can I Be Hypnotized?

People enter and leave the state of hypnosis regularly—most of the time we call it daydreaming, drifting toward sleep, or concentrating. Permanent inability to go into hypnosis does not exist although there can be a temporary unwillingness. If one is willing to cooperate and learn to let go, a moderate to deep state of hypnosis can be achieved.

What Is Hypnosis Used For?

Hypnosis serves useful purposes for one’s personal and professional development. Therapeutic mentally, emotionally and physically, it can be used to alleviate insomnia, relieve pain, stress and symptoms of stress related illness, including high blood pressure. Hypnosis is also used to improve performance and to alter unwanted habits.

Hypnoanalysis comprises an organized protocol. It is a specialized method of psychoanalysis while a client is in hypnosis. It utilizes hypnosis to bring about a solution to the problem presented by the client. This therapy is dynamic, solutions oriented, highly effective, directed and quicker than talk therapy. I examine the symptoms and then seek to find the root cause of the problem. After the cause has been discovered, treatment can then remove symptoms.

It may be used to relieve anxiety, insomnia, phobias, panic, depression, weight issues, smoking, relationship issues, guilt, poor self-esteem or sexual problems. It can also help relieve some physical symptoms such as chronic pain and chronic fatigue, asthma, allergies and other problems that have their roots in emotions or the way we think.

Most people can handle many of their problems by using logical thinking.  When logic doesn’t seem to bring about solutions, then the subconscious needs to be accessed for results.  This is a safe method of changing the ideas in the subconscious that have been limiting the client and causing problems. For permanent change to occur, it is often necessary for the cause of the problem to be discovered, corrected, and removed.

The Intensive Hypnoanalysis Program may be available, depending on scheduling. This is especially convenient for out -of- town, out- of- state and international clientele because, depending on the goal of the client, a program can be completed within 1 to 2 weeks. Please visit my Contact Page for local accommodations, dining and shopping options for your visit and to reach me.

Hypnosis and Hypnoanalysis are not medical treatments and Nina Pernecke, LCSW is not a medical doctor. Physical illness and pain should be assessed by a medical doctor.

For more about Clinical Hypnosis, click on the link below:

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Madison Counseling Solutions is located in beautiful and friendly Madison, Wisconsin.

Nina Pernecke, LCSW, Psychotherapist

Madison, Wisconsin

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